155 Apsley Street
Hudson, MA 01749



Hudson High School, Quinn Middle, Farley Elementary, Forest Elementary, Mulready Elementary and Hubert Preschool

Transportation Liaison - Renee Graca  978-567-6100x 42118 [email protected]

Transportation Vendor - First Student  - AnneMarie Belanger -  978-674-7556 [email protected]

If the 504 Accommodation Team or Special Education Team determines that a student’s disability requires special transportation, it will be noted on the Accommodation Plan or page 6 of the Individual Education Program (IEP). *All preschool students identified with a disability that require an IEP will receive a minibus to and from the preschool program.

Upon parental response and signature to the IEP, unless the IEP is rejected in whole, the Office of Student Services will implement transportation.  

The transportation liaison will complete a Transportation Request Form (TRF), which will be provided to First Student, who will be transporting your child. 

The TRF is processed and transportation is routed to begin within 2 days. The HPS Student Services Transportation Liaison will contact the parent/guardian to provide pick-up/drop-off times and bus  numbers.

Please have your child ready 10 minutes prior to the pick-up time as the transportation vehicle will wait no longer than 3 minutes at each stop.

FAQs – Frequently asked questions

  1. My child is not going to attend school or is going to be dismissed from school early, who do I call to stop pick-up for that day? Please call the transportation vendor directly at the number provided so that the bus driver can be notified.
  2. I have a question/concern about the amount of time and length of the bus route. Should I talk to the bus driver? Whenever you have a question or concern about your child’s time on the transportation vehicle, call the transportation liaison.
  3. I am moving to a new address. Who do I notify? Please notify the district’s transportation liaison as soon as possible to allow the vendor time to make changes to the routes.
  4. Who can make changes to my child’s transportation? The district’s transportation liaison is the only person authorized to make changes to the TRF, which is an official request to make a change to your child’s transportation schedule.

The adult responsible or authorized person should be at home to receive the child. Students are not allowed to be picked up or dropped off anywhere except at their home, unless you have contacted and had a discussion with the transportation liaison. Approved changes in transportation require a minimum of 48 hour notice.


(Out of District)


Public and private day schools proposed by the IEP team that are outside of the Town of Hudson.

Transportation Liaison - Renee Graca  978-567-6100 x-42118 [email protected]

Transportation Vendor - Van Pool  508-919-5054

When a Special Education Team determines that a student’s disability requires special transportation, it will be noted on the Accommodation Plan or page 6 of the Individual Education Program (IEP). Transportation is also provided to students that are attending a proposed school outside of the Hudson Public Schools.

Upon parental response and signature to the IEP, unless the IEP is rejected in whole, the Office of Student Services will implement transportation.  

The transportation liaison will complete a Transportation Request Form (TRF), which will be provided to the transportation vendor, who will be transporting your child.  

The TRF is processed and transportation is routed to begin within 2 days. The vendor will contact the parent/guardian the evening before the first pick-up to provide pick-up/drop-off times and bus route numbers.

Please have your child ready 10 minutes prior to the pick-up time as the transportation vehicle will wait no longer than 3 minutes at each stop.

FAQs – Frequently asked questions:

  1. My child is not going to attend school or is going to be dismissed from school early, who do I call to stop pick-up for that day? Please call the transportation vendor directly at the number provided so that the bus driver can be notified.
  2. I have a question/concern about the amount of time and length of the bus route. Should I talk to the bus driver? Whenever you have a question or concern about your child’s time on the transportation vehicle, call the transportation liaison.
  3. I am moving to a new address. Who do I notify? Please notify the district’s transportation liaison as soon as possible to allow the vendor time to make changes to the routes.
  4. My child is being transported with students that are being picked up in other towns. Should this happen? Students that attend schools outside of Hudson will often be transported with peers from other towns; however, please call the district’s transportation liaison if you have a question or concern.
  5. The weather is treacherous and the Hudson Public Schools (HPS) has cancelled; but the transportation vehicle takes my child to their school in another district. Will my child be picked-up? Your child will not be transported if the HPS cancel school or the district in which your child’s school is located cancels school.
  6. Who can make changes to my child’s transportation? The district’s transportation liaison is the only person authorized to make changes to the TRF, which is an official request to make a change to your child’s transportation schedule.

The adult responsible or authorized person should be at home to receive the child. Students are not allowed to be picked up or dropped off anywhere except at their home, unless you have contacted and had a discussion with the transportation liaison. Approved changes in transportation require a minimum of 48 hour notice.