Updated September 9, 2024


Welcome back!   Our 2024-2025 bus routes have been posted. Thank you for your patience.  

In an effort to streamline our processes, eligibility is now determined by First Student Bus Company software.  To simplify, our district is no longer using any other software.

All students are automatically assigned to a bus number and bus stop (if eligible). Current students do not need to complete a bus.  Bus numbers and bus stop are subject to change.  Please check the transportation page in Aspen which will show your student's bus number and stop (and eligibility) for the 2024-2025 school year.  Note:  A
t this time, we will not be adding any new bus stops during the first few weeks of school.  We want to wait until the bus drivers become acclimated with the new routes.  I will certainly revisit your request after September 16, 2024

 If your transportation needs change throughout the school year, please complete a form with the changes and email to [email protected].  Change of address must go to the school secretary prior to Transportation.  

Members of the Boys & Girls Club requesting transportation to the club, should please contact the Boys & Girls Club directly.  

Please review the bus rules below as they have been updated.

To view HPS Bus Routes, please click the link at the top left. Routes are subject to change.  Please remember there is a 10 minute window at the bus stops for estimated pick up and drop off times posted on our bus routes.

Based on DESE and health department guidance, we will continue to enforce the following bus rules.  In an effort to provide safe transportation for all students and staff, please be sure to review the bus rules with your student. 

Hours: HHS: 7:30am-2:05pm, QMS: 7:42am-2:25pm, Elementary: 8:35am-2:55pm


  • Students are required to stay seated and not lean into the aisles (keeping their hands/feet to themselves) throughout the entire bus ride
  • Students who need to cross the street to get onto the bus must look for the drivers "thumbs up" notification to ensure their safety while crossing the street
  • Food/drink (including gum) is NOT allowed on the bus
  • Students must use an "inside voice" at all times on the bus
  • Kindergarten students are to sit in the front rows
  • Students must ride the bus for which they are assigned (unless approved by Transportation office)
  • Students may be at risk of losing their bus privilege if rules are not followed
  • Students should never walk alongside the bus or attempt to retrieve an object on the ground near the bus.  Wait until the bus pulls away before picking it up. 

Buses are equipped with interior cameras that record video and audio for the safety of students.

Transportation Elibility Guidelines

1.       All Students in Kindergarten through Grade 12 living more than one mile from their assigned school are eligible for transportation.
o    Exceptions: Inter-district school choice students are not eligible for transportation

2.       Students that live under one mile from their assigned school are considered "walkers" and are not eligible for transportation.
o    Exceptions:  safety issues are taken into consideration when determining transportation eligibility
o    Mileage is determined by First Student Bus Company software

3.       For elementary schools, students are not eligible for transportation outside of their elementary district.
o    Exceptions: intra-district programs; (i.e. dual language)

Families with students that are eligible for transportation should review the bus routes for their student's school. Copies of bus routes will be available at each of the schools and the Administration building at 155 Apsley Street.

Please contact Denise Cobb @ 978-567-6100 Ext. 42112 if you have any questions or concerns in regard to eligibility or bus issues;  [email protected] 
Comuniquese con nosotros si tiene alguna pregunta con respecto a la elegibilidad o problemas de autobús de cualquier tipo. Español, comuníquese con Dorian Morales en [email protected] 

Entre em contato conosco se tiver alguma dúvida em relação à elegibilidade ou a questões de ônibus de qualquer tipo. Português, entre em contato com Bruna Ortiz en [email protected]
If you have an emergency and need to reach your student, please contact the school secretary or the central office at 978-567-6100. You may also try Dan Gale at 978-567-6100 X41128.
irst Student Contact Information

Hudson Dispatch: Lee Mann (978) 674-7556
Location Manager: Joseph Doherty   (978) 443-8631


Additional Information

Excerpt for School Committee Policy - Student Transportation

Each year the Hudson Public School district reviews student enrollment and existing bus routes to ensure efficient and safe transportation for all eligible students.

Safety is a responsibility that is shared between the family and the school. While the law requires the School Department to provide a defined level of transportation, it does not relieve parents/guardians of students from the responsibility of supervision until the student boards the bus in the morning. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to ensure the student safely arrives at, and departs from, the bus stop. The parent/guardian is responsible for escorting the student to and from the bus stop where there are no sidewalks, where sidewalks are only on one side, where the bus stop is on the opposite side of the street, and where there are traffic or other safety concerns.

This policy, being consistent with current state law, may require students to walk up to a mile to a bus stop